Flute in C, Alto Flute
And : Mouthpiece in C alone. Michael Schmid
And : Bubble Wrap (for popping sound), Gelinotte soufflé (Grouse or other very high blowed bird call), Reed alone. Piet Van Bockstal
Clarinet in Bb
And : Bubble Wrap (for popping sound).
Cqarlos Galvez
And : Buzzing Bow (Schwirrbogen, double is also good), Merle soufflé (Blackbird blowed bird call or other breatly-sound bird call), Reed alone.
Filip Neyens
And : Corrugated conduit 1.5 x 150 cm ca. (It must be not the split longitudinally cutted model). Corey Klein
Trumpet in Bb
With : WaWa Mute, CD Mute (use a dummy clear polycarbonate disc with no recording surface like the one present in CD splindles).
And : Rossignol manuel (Nightingale manual call or other bird rosin friction sound), Rattle (Raganella). Philippe Ranallo
With : WaWa Mute.
And : Harmonica Bb (covered with cloth in order to obtain only very high partials), Chevalier (Tringa, manual bird call with short little sounds). Alain Pire
With : Metal bar (for ex. using a Triangle) and Glass Weight.
And Tuyau Harmonique, Small Waldteufel, Canard Souffllé (Duck blowed bird call or other similar reed-like sound bird call) Jean-Luc Fafchamps