"VORTEX" review in LIMELIGHT, Australia's classical and arts magazine
Maxim Boon in Limelight : "The Belgian choreographer’s muse remains music, investigated with a level of probing, exhaustive focus that borders on the superhuman."
Los Angeles Times : Best of 2015 | Classical music 2015 highlights : Vortex Temporum by AT De Keersmaeker.
Los Angeles Times : "...thanks in great part to the astonishing Belgian new-music group Ictus, performing by memory and becoming a strikingly indispensable part of the action."
Morton Feldman en el Colón: reloj, detén tu camino [O time, suspend your flight!]
La entrega del Ensamble Ictus de Bélgica -el pianista Jean-Luc Fafchamps, el flautista Michael Schmid y el percusionista Miquel Bernat- no pudo ser más fluida y conmovedora.